Page 16 - The Day of Judgment
P. 16

14                      THE DAY OF JUDGMENT

             desires, anger, expectations, lusts, enmities, and pleasures will
             cease. Plans made for the future will become meaningless, for those
             who had forgotten that they will be returned to Allah, preferring
             this world over the eternal life and its misleading wealth, beauty,
             and pleasures, will have met their end. On this Day, everyone will
             witness clearly Allah's existence and will come face to face with the
             death that they had tried so hard to forget. Their attempt to forget
             Allah and the Hereafter is finished, and a new beginning, one which
             will be eternal and bring no happiness to the unbelievers, is
             awaiting them. From the very first moment of this eternal life, the
             punishment is so fearsome that those who experience it will beg for
             "death" and "annihilation." The beginning of this life is the Day of
             Judgment and, "the Hour is coming without any doubt."


               From your earliest childhood onwards, you head for certain
             goals or are guided by others. You probably will have a family and
             a job, try to earn more in order to have a better life, educate your
             children, and hope that they will have a better life than you did.
             Once a week you meet the other members of your extended family.
             You take vacations, go to work, and spend the rest of your time at
             home. Except for a few incidents which seem to be hiccups on the
             way, your life progresses orderly and you usually encounter
             nothing outside the ordinary.
               Everything in your life seems to be premeditated by the majority
             of the society, and everyone's life is like everyone else's. You need to
             work to realize these goals, and you need to have a family to
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