Page 54 - The Day of Judgment
P. 54
Adnan Oktar: But after the death of Jesus
the Messiah people will experience a terrible
emptiness of soul. A huge emptiness of soul,
following which, Said Nursi says, around
Hijri 1500, a great collapse will begin. 2-4-8-
16, toward the Last Hour. By around 1543
nobody will believe in Allah and His religion, nobody. The Qur'an;
there will be no letters left on the paper, none. Said Nursi says this
will last for 2 years. The Law of Allah, he says. But everything he
described as the lzaw of Allah has so far come about... They will
demolish mosques and the Kaaba. They will flatten the Kaaba. With
bulldozers or something. Nothing of the Kaaba will be left. They
will level it completely. They will also demolish mosques. They will
use them as drinking places or ruin them in some similar way. Allah
will permit them 2 years, insha'Allah, 2 years. Then Allah will inflict
the worst possible fear on them. People's hair will suddenly turn
white, something that has never been seen before. This will happen
at the Last Hour. Almighty Allah says "you will imagine they are
drunk." You ask them questions and they do not reply. Allah says
they cannot speak on that day. They just make strange noises. You
ask their name and they just make funny noises, they lose all
consciousness because of the intensity of their fear... So much for
being in charge and ruling the entire universe! So much for you
having the people to create human beings anew! So much for your
destroying an asteroid in mid-air! People will fully realize their
weakness and wretchedness.
PRESENTER: It is described in the final Surahs of the Qur'an in
particular how people will see that violence and wrath. I mean, it