Page 14 - IzraelHR
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client Testimonials

                                                                         I don't know where I would be without
                                                                             having Ty assist me with all my
             Izrael HR Firm has elevated my social                       business needs. She truly helps guide
             media pages with relevant and timely                       me with much needed business advice
             content. Ty came up with compelling                            whenever I need it! She not only
             posts, with and without guidance from                       helped with my social media platform
               me as a client. Highly recommend!                          strategies, but also assisted me with
                                                                         building a creative resume which both
                                                                         allowed me to gain many partnerships
                                                                          and bookings with top tier makeup
                   Jamila Shelton | Creatives of HR

                                                                          Chelsea Marie | Makeup By Chelsea Marie

             I have a full content strategy and plan                       This is my PUSHA BABY! I coach, I
              for the rest of the month AND March                         counsel, I push, but this is my coach,
                thanks to Ty and that extremely                         counsel and pusher.  She will say “ Girl
               detailed and insightful Full Scope                       listen, you have to learn this”. We have
              Brand/Content Strategy Session we                         many days of intense creativity, but it’s
                        had this morning.                                my girl that always helps me. From my
                                                                         website to social media templates to
                Now all I have to do is shoot the                       structuring & managing my membership
              content and schedule it. Aka stick to                     community to designing logos & labels,
                            the plan!                                            she does it all for me.

           Courtnee Cotton | Creek Consulting Financial Firm
              Where would I be without you Toot?                      Ty'Ra Johsnon | AmbaTJ Ministries & Paga Xperience

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