Page 9 - TouchBase Winter 2021/22
P. 9
View the timeline of earliest publication dates based on probable assignees for a dataset by visiting the Years by Probable Assignee chart and selecting the “Earliest Publication” metric in the Chart Settings. See how actively assignees are patenting within the scope of your search or dataset.
Supertype filtering has returned
New Earliest Publication metric available on Years by Probable Assignee chart
Clicking on any data points in Analytics charts or tables will open the Data Locator
module where users can find detailed family and publication details. Additional family details are now available in this module including Pat-KM fields (where available), a key dates timeline and pending application information.
Filter your analysis by patent type from the Analytics Dashboard. Select the arrow icon next to the patent type of interest and this patent type will be applied as a Supertype. Efficiently refine the analysis to just include that type of patent data.
Enhanced data locator and family details page
TouchBase 9