Page 134 - Massage Therapy School Program
P. 134

Forearm, Wrist & Hand Treatment – Protocol
• Massage therapists often also work on the computer, which can shorten the pronator teres. Work with deep gliding strokes from the medial epicondyle to the attachment on the radial bone to restore length.
• For clients that work on computers, have them turn their palm up (supinate) as you assist stretching the pronator muscles. This will also relax the usually weak and inhibited supinator muscles.
• Enhance the warming effects of Prossage Heat by rubbing your hands together with rapid palmer friction for about 2-3 seconds and apply to the extensor muscles of the arm.
• Work the extensors with slow deep myofascial spreading, working from the wrist to the elbow to further relax the extensors. Remember, your goal is to lengthen the forearm flexors and relax the antagonistic e extensor.
©March 2012, P05507, Rev. 0

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