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P. 32

Raijin's  question  from  earlier  remains           rocky  gray,  it's  the  center  of  the  face  that  is
                                                                      unanswered,  and,  concerned,  he  sidles  up  to        everyone's  worst  fears  come  true.  Shades  of
                                                                      her.  With  a  furrowed  brow,  he  watches  her         red,  burnt  orange,  and  chestnut  mix  together,
                                                                      intently for a moment before he too looks up at          undulating as if the surface of the moon is now
            The One They Left Behind                                  the sky. A few tense seconds tick by before, in          alive—and  really,  it is.  She  knows  the
            by Lily (h34rt1lly)                                       a quiet voice, he says, "Fuu . . . we gotta go,          movement of the colors is actually a plethora of
                                                                      ya know?"                                                monsters, scrambling over one another as they
            Up  above,  the  sky  rumbles  in  warning;  the              She  fights  to  swallow  the  lump  in  her         wait  to  rain  down  on  the  planet  and  wreak
            deafening booms are a  missive to  the people             throat. Barely louder than a whisper, she asks,          havoc.
            below  who  are  scrambling  for  safety—hurry,           "How? How do we just . . . leave him behind?"                 In  the  center  of  the  "eye"  is  the  greatest
            hurry, hurry, they seem to say. The underbelly                                                                     concentration  of  monsters;  a  mesmerizing,
            of the clouds are tainted with disturbing rivulets            His  normally  jovial  expression  falls  into  a    living orb that transitions from a pale, sky-blue
            of  crimson,  and  when  Fujin  looks  upwards,           deep  frown,  and  he  looks  back  over  her            around the edges, to a deep, sinister shade of
            shielding  her  eye  from  the  bright  flashes  of       shoulder.  They're  only  a  few  feet  away  from       indigo  in  the  center.  As  they  stand  there,
            lightning,  panic  lances  through  her.  It's  been      the  door  they'd  just  come  through,  the  door       staring  up  at  the  sky,  the  blue  orb  begins  to
            eons  since  the  Lunar  Cry  last  occurred,  and        that leads back to Seifer. It would be so easy           stretch  downwards  towards  them.  The  tip  of
            she never thought she'd be around to see the              to  turn  around  and  go  back.  The  sound  of         the  teardrop  swells,  visibly  filled  to  the  brim
            next  one.  She  never  thought  it  would  happen        metal clashing against metal rings out, audible          with  monsters  that  none  alive  have  seen
            again at all.                                             even  through  the  thick  walls  of  Lunatic            before. For a moment, the drop looks as if it's
                                                                      Pandora. Seconds later, the bell-like tinkles of
                 As  she's  still  staring  up  at  the  ominous      magic being cast echo down the hall, before a            suspended  in  the  sky,  frozen  in  time.  Then,
            view,  Raijin  sprints  past  her  and  falters  when     resounding  crash  follows.  With  each  clang,          without  further  preamble,  it  gushes  forth
            he  realizes  she  isn't  right  on  his  heels.  With    they  both  wince,  knowing  what's  happening           towards the surface of the planet.
            wide eyes, he looks back over his shoulder at             behind the door.                                              The  entire  sky,  from  edge  to  edge  of  her
            her.  "Fuu!  What  are  ya  doin'?"  he  exclaims,                                                                 vision,  is  quickly  filled  with  the  tears  of  the
            throwing his large arms out in disbelief.                     Eventually, Raijin tears his gaze away from          moon.  Her  heart  stops  for  the  briefest  of
                                                                      the doors—from their past—and looks over at
                 Unsure  of  what  to  say,  Fujin  shakes  her       Fujin.  "You  told  Squall  that  it  was  up  to  him   moments,  and  she  sways  in  place.  Raijin
            head. The motion is slow, filled with dread and           now, ya know? Ya gotta trust in 'im. Trust that          reaches  up  to  steady  her,  and  shouts,  "We
            hopelessness.  Up  until  this  point,  she  hasn't       he's the only one who can help Seifer now."              gotta go! Now!"
            realized  just how hopeless  she's  felt.  Losing                                                                       Fujin  meets  his  eyes,  wide  with  fear  that
            Seifer  to  his  own  mind  and  lust  for  glory  has        Fujin's eye slides shut, and a tear escapes          she is sure mirrors her own.
            traumatized her enough, but now . . . does he             from  the  corner.  "Did  I  .  .  .  Was  I  right  in
            really plan on taking down the entire world with          making that choice?"                                          Suddenly, Seifer's face flashes through her
            him? Maybe if they had left him sooner, parted                As  always,  Raijin  seems  to  be  able  to         mind.  For  as  long  as  she  has  known  him,  he
            ways  earlier  and  told  him  that  they  couldn't       sense her state of mind. He lays a heavy hand            has always been sure, cocky even—so utterly
            bear  to  see  him  like  this—a  broken,  crazed         on  her  shoulder,  prompting  her  to  meet  his        confident that things will work out in his favor,
            shell of the man they thought they'd known so             gaze.  "You're  always  right  when  it  comes  to       so  long  as  he  surpasses  everyone  else,
            well—things  wouldn't  have  reached  the                 Seifer, Fuu." She offers him a tentative smile,          becomes the best. If he were out here, facing
            breaking point.                                           and he adds, "But right now, we gotta get outta          this  threat with them  and  not  as  the  one
                                                                                                                               causing it, he would remain brave in the face of
                 The loaded question, one they'll never get           here! Things are about to get much worse, ya             danger, even if it seemed as hopeless as this.
            the  answer  to,  haunts  her.  She  continues  to        know?"
            stare  up  at  the  foreboding  sky,  wondering               At his words, Fujin looks back up. As if on               Briefly,  she  closes  her  eye  and  takes  a
            where  they'll  go  and  what  they'll  do  without       cue,  the  clouds  drift  apart,  revealing,  inch-by-   deep breath, steeling herself. When she opens
            their leader. It's been years since the three of          inch,  the  unnatural  face  of  the  moon.  It's        it again, she offers the most assured nod that
            them  have  been  separated  for  longer  than  a         hanging  much  lower  than  is  normal,  nearly          she can manage, remembering Seifer and the
            day, and the gaping hole in their trio leaves her         filling  the  entire  expanse  of  the  dusky  sky.      man he used to be.
            hollow, numb.                                             While the surface of the moon is its usual pale,              "AFFIRMATIVE."
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