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P. 49

help the front gate and seal the Bell doors shut
                                                                      to stop the flow of enemies. A few headed for                 The  fight  wore  us  out  faster  than  I  ever
                                                                      the palace to check on the King and aid in his           imagined. In mere hours our defenses and our
                                                                      escape if need be. The rest of us continued to           city  lay  in  ruins.  We  few  remaining  soldiers
            Tragedy in the Realm of Rain                              fight  and  search  the  city  for  survivors  to  help   were  forced  into  hiding  in  the  shadows  and
            by Joseph Zellerkraut                                     them  escape  the  city  and  the  ever  growing         using  guerilla  tactics  for  survival.  There  were
                                                                      danger consuming it.                                     too  few  of  us  left  now.  Too  few  to  keep  the
            This will be a day I'll remember for the rest of                                                                   "Black Mages" at bay and too few to stop the
            my  life.  Everything  went  wrong  so  fast  we              Even though the days are naturally darker            monsters  from  flooding  the  streets.  I  ran
            couldn't stop it. Our scouts reported incoming            here the city was at the darkest I've ever seen          through  the  side  streets  towards  our  house
            enemies from Alexandria and we mobilized the              it.  Pale  sunlight  barely  escaped  through  the       hoping  and  praying  to  Gizamaluke  that  Wei
            best  we  could.  I  was  stationed  in  the  inner       clouds glistening off the rain and puddles in the        was  ok.  When  I  finally  arrived  at  our  house  I
            districts  when  the  fighting  started.  Explosions      streets lighting up the ruined tragedy that was          saw that it lay in utter ruins. I fell to my knees
            wreaked havoc on the city collapsing buildings            now  our  beloved  city.  Gray  and  I  went  to         in sorrow thinking I had failed the person who
            in all areas of the city. The cries of our people,        search some of the larger houses where their             mattered most to me. Then I heard her call my
            both solider and civilian, were drowned out in            main  support  beams  had  collapsed  in.  We            name from across the street. I literally must've
            the ever pouring rain as they lay there dying or          found  a  mother  trying  desperately  to  free  her     jumped as high as one of our Dragon Knights
            mourning  others.  I  heard  others  shouting  the        trapped  child  from  under  the  rubble.  We            upon  hearing  her  voice  say  my  name  "Kal!".
            enemy was upon us in all areas and we ran to              started  lending  her  a  hand  when  we  heard  a       She had taken shelter in the market across the
            engage them and save what people we could.                noise  from  outside  on  the  streets.  Then  the       street  which  seemed  to  have  remained  intact
                                                                      wall  blew  in  with  an  explosion  as  a  "Black       and overlooked by the Mages. I embraced her
                 We  thought  we  could  hold  them  off  and         Mage"  came  slowly  walking  in  uttering  under        tightly  and  for  a  few  seconds  forgot  all  about
            defend our rain kissed home of Burmecia...we              it's breath "Kill....kill...kill....". Gray picked up his   ongoing  war  and  battle  raging  around  us.  I'm
            were  wrong.  Alexandria  didn't  invade  with            weapon and started fighting the Mage shouting            pretty sure I didn't even feel the rain hitting me
            normal ground troops. They invaded with these             for  me  to  finish  freeing  the  kid.  I  used  all  my   anymore.  I  looked  down  at  her  pregnant
            odd  clothed  figures  wearing  weird  orange             strength  but  couldn't  free  the  child  from  the     stomach and put my hand on it. I was just glad
            pointed hats. What's worse is they were being             rubble.  Time  seemed  to  slow  down  as  I             she was alive. I was glad they both were alive.
            warped  right  into  the  city  by  the  dozens!  Our     exhaled  and  grasped  the  reality  of  what  was       I  took  her  hand  ran  towards  the  Great  Hall
            perimeter  defenses  didn't  stand  a  chance.            happening. I turned to see Gray dodging out of           where the entrance to the palace was. Most of
            We...didn't stand a chance. These new soldiers            the  way  as  another  mage  entered  and  used          our troops were most likely grouped there and
            all used destructive magic  and didn't seem to            Fire magic. The flame lit up the room amplified          it would be the safest place to go especially if
            feel  pain  or  stop  for  anything.  "Black  Mages"      by  the  reflections  from  the  rain  and  water        the King was still there.
            was  the  name  we  gave  them  since  they  use          pouring in from the open ceiling. I turned back
            magic as black as their hauntingly featureless            to  see  the  child's  face  lit  with  pure  fear  and       We  ran  up  the  streets  towards  the  Hall
            faces.  I'll  never  forget  those  souless  yellow       panic  as  the  mother,  with  tears  falling  harder    laying low to avoid detection whenever a Mage
            eyes staring back at me when I fought one off             than  the  rain,  tried  desperately  to  save  her      was  nearby.  I  wasn't  in  condition  to  keep
            my friend Dan. Each time we finally beat a few            child. We needed to get out of here. This battle         fighting  like  this.  Along  the  way  I  saw  the
            of them dozens more seemed to pop up. One                 was  over  and  it  was  time  to  leave.  Maybe  I      bodies  of  our  fallen  friends,family  and
            by  one  I  watched  my  friends  and  fellow             found  renewed  strength  or  the  magic                 neighbors  littering  the  streets  and  under  the
            soliders  fall  to  these  Mages  and  have  their        weakened the rubble. All I know is I yelled and          debris.  I  tried  to  avert  Wei's  gaze  but  to  no
            bodies  simply  trampled  underfoot  the  choas.          lifted the rubble off the child while the mother         avail.  Disheartening  does  not  even  begin  to
            Reports came in saying they  were flooding in             pulled her child out as fast as she could. Gray          describe the feeling we experienced traversing
            from  the  front  gates  now.  We  were  getting          had distracted the Mages and ran off with them           those roads. I would never wish such a feeling
            overrun  and  we  were  losing  the  city.  With  no      chasing them. I told the mother the safest path          or tragedy on another soul for as long as I live.
            one  of  rank  to  give  orders  and  the  king's         I knew out of the city and escorted her as far           Finally we made it to the Great Hall and got out
            condition  unknown  our  small  squad  of                 as I could. I had to go back and find Wei. I had         of  the  rain  and  away  from  the  terror  on  the
            survivors  decided  to  split  up.  Some  went  to        to make sure she was alive and ok along with             streets. I  was  able to rest a  bit and catch my
                                                                      our child.                                               breath  as  Wei  tried  to  rummage  the  area  for
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