Page 302 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 302


          to sell              sold
          to send
          to spend
          to mean
          to hear              heard
          to make                             made
          to read
          to blow              blew
          to flow
          to cut                                                резать
          to hit                              hit
          to lose                             lost
          to cost                                               стоить
          to pay                              paid
          to build
          to have                                        иметь
          to sit
          to lead
          to see               saw
          to win
         Exercise 485. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
         1.  Anyway,  Charlie’s  persuasive  accountant  (had  better/would  rather)  (to
             reach) out to his colleagues rathn than his current supervisor.
         2.  Besides, Norman’s proactive IT-specialist (to get used to/to be used to)
             already (to combat) his weaknesses.
         3.  Having said that Alicia’s ambitious rookie (to be) capable of (to juggle)
             multiple projects at the same time last year.
         4.  Moreover, Scarlett’s frustrated boss (used to/would/to be used to) (to have)
             an ability (to work) under pressure in the past; however, now he (to be)
             extremely impatient and sloppy.
         5.  Off the top of my head, Cooper’s reliable nephew (to consider) consistency
             as the key element in (to achieve) goals.
         Exercise 486. Translate the sentences.
         1.  В любом случае, держите меня в курсе дела. Однако вам бы лучше
             ввести Ричарда в курс дела тоже.
         2.  Не  кори  себя!  Многие  безработные  люди  сейчас  не  имеют
             стабильный источник дохода, но я обсужу это с Милли.
         3.  Это беспроигрышный вариант! Хочу заметить, вчера мы завершили
             порученный проект, потому что привыкли мыслить нестандартно.

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