Page 7 - Generative AI in Education
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FORUM: Exploring
Generative AI in
Welcome to the discussion forum on generative artificial intelligence (AI) in Participate and
education! This space is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas, experiences
and perspectives on how AI is transforming education. Here, educators, students, Contribute:
educational leaders, and technology enthusiasts can share their opinions and learn
from each other. We invite you to join the
conversation, share your
Discussion Topics: experiences and learn from
Ethical Considerations: How can we ensure that AI is used ethically in others. This forum is an
educational institutions? Share your ideas about policies and practices that opportunity to explore how AI
promote responsible use. can be an ally in education,
always keeping human values at
Human-AI Collaboration: Discuss how AI can complement the role of teachers the center of learning. We look
without replacing them. What examples of success have you seen or forward to your valuable
implemented? contributions!
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Transparency and Equity: Why is transparency in the use of AI crucial? Share enter the forum.
your experiences on how institutions can ensure fair and equitable decisions.
Biases in AI: How do biases impact the student learning experience? Propose
measures to mitigate these biases and ensure an inclusive learning environment.
AI Training Methods: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using static
data versus continuous updates in AI training methods. How do these differences
affect the accuracy and relevance of the models?