Page 8 - The First 60 Days Magazine - February 2025
P. 8

Insights on Infants

                          Insights of Understanding for New Parents, Grandparents & Caregivers

                  01           SHARED GAZING

                              “A baby’s brain waves become synchronized with their caregiver through loving joint
                              eye contact..”

                 02            BRAIN CONNECTIONS

                              “Brain cells communicate with with each other by sending electrical signals from one
                              another across a small space called a synapse. ”

                 03           ADDAPTING

                              “The brain of a baby will adapt to the types of experiences that occur most frequently
                              whether positive or negative.”

                 04           CREATING OPTIMAL BRAIN CONNECTIONS

                              “Loving attention importantly affect the the way in which the billions of brain cells will
                              become connected with each other for learning, health and behavior in life.”

                 05           DAILY GROWTH

                              “After birth, the brain grows 1% per day for the first three months of life.”

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