Page 14 - July 2021
P. 14
Taming the Mind
A teacher of mine once said that 95% of long time. This is through the attention
our fears are imaginary. placed on the action and the information
burned into our memory. Attention
The imagination and our memories and memory are interrelated. When
play a very big part in the way the mind the image of the object doesn’t slip
behaves. Imagine you are walking across away from your mind this is memory.
a dark room. There is a rope on the floor Memory is one of the Vrittis or mind
up ahead. Instead of seeing a rope, you waves. Everything we know of ourselves
imagine it is a snake. are memories. These are Samskaras.
Freedom is having all of the memories
Thoughts and memories happen rapidly and knowing you are none of them.
and constantly other than the brief time
spent in very deep sleep and in the very Because we are ignorant, it doesn’t help
deep state of meditation. us to loose our memories. Therefore we
must learn to restrain the Vrittis.
Think about food. Good food you will
remember for a long time. Exceptional The momentum of practice is repeated
food you will remember for a very and repeated and repeated even