Page 32 - July 2022
P. 32

Monthly Challenge

                           “To travel is to take a

                         journey into yourself.”

                                                       Danny Kaye

          Traveling is wonderful in many ways. It

           captures us with a sense of wanderlust
         and has us longing for more destinations
           to visit, cultures to experience, food to

           eat, and people to meet. As amazing as
          traveling is, many people think we need

            to wait until our later years to really
           explore a lot of the world. We want to
              inspire you to travel more NOW.

           So, this month’s challenge is to

         visit a place you have never been

          before, describe it, and send us

                        pictures of it.

             W e may be able to publish your
           pictures and description in one of

                     our future editions!

                   My Indigo Sun team

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