Page 39 - July 2022
P. 39


        Bulgogi 4 servings

        - recipe from Maangchi’s Real Korean Cooking

        Ingredients                                            scallion, soy sauce, sesame oil, brown

        4 large garlic cloves                                  sugar, and pepper and mix well. Cover
        1 cup peeled, cored, and coarsely                      with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at
        chopped Asian or Bosc pear                             least 30 minutes, and up to several hours.

        ¾ cup chopped onion
        1 tsp finely chopped peeled ginger                     Heat a cast-iron grill pan or large skillet

        1 pound boneless sirloin, tenderloin,                  over high heat. Alternatively, build a
        or skirt steak, partially frozen and cut               charcoal fire or preheat a gas grill to
        across the                                             high.

        grain into ⅛-inch-thick slices
        1 scallion, chopped                                    Cook the meat, turning or stirring

        2 tablespoons soy sauce                                occasionally, 2 minutes for medium or
        1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil                        3 minutes for well done. Sprinkle with
        1 tablespoon light brown sugar or honey                sesame seeds.

        ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
        ¼ teaspoon toasted sesame seeds                        Note: Traditionally eaten with lettuce

                                                               leaves and soybean paste dipping sauce
        Directions                                             (Maangchi’s soybean paste dipping sauce
        Combine the garlic, pear, onion, and                   recipe:

        ginger in a food processor or blender and  recipe/ssamjang). Can also be eaten with
        process until pale and creamy.                         rice and side dishes (Korean Bapsang’s

                                                               traditional side dish recipes: https://
        Put the steak in a large bowl and pour       
        the pear mixture over it. Add the                      vegetable-side-dishes/).

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