Page 28 - Retreat for Partnership
P. 28

Me Time

        “Me Alone Time” is when I honor myself,              -1 cup salt
        my body, my mind, and spirit. Here is one            -1/2 cup olive oil
        of the ways you can do that.                         -5-6 drops of essential oil (There are many
                                                             options: lavender is relaxing, lemongrass
        Imagine a trip to the beach and swimming             is refreshing, and rosemary is stimulating.
        in the sea - how good we feel afterwards!            Experiment with more but choose quality oils.)
        You may be surprised, but a big factor
        of that good feeling is salt water. It is an         Salt Baths
        example of wet salt therapy, which has               Salt baths are great for skin, muscles, and

        many healing benef ts for our body and is            the respiratory system. To create a salt bath,
        also great for our skin.                             mix 2 cups of coarse sea salt in warm water,
                                                             2 cups of Epsom salt and ½ cup of baking

        Salt Scrubs                                          soda. Add 5-8 drops of essential oil and enjoy!
        Making your own salt scrub at home is                Make sure your bath water is of comfortable
        easy. Simply mix sea salt, essential oils of         temperature so you could soak in for 15-20
        your choice, and add either olive, almond,           minutes.
        or grapeseed oil. Use it in the shower and           Play some nice relaxing music while you are
        enjoy breathing the aroma of the oils. Not           taking a bath, add bubbles if you would like.

        only does this clear your nasal passages,            The main purpose is to relax, and be mindful
        your skin gets exfoliated, rejuvenated, and          of the experience – smell, feel, listen, enjoy.
        silky smooth!                                        Tip: hot water can increase your blood
        30                                                   pressure. If you have high blood pressure,

                                                             take a shower with a salt scrub instead.
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