Page 7 - April 2024
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precedence, expressing little sense of a • Body Scan Meditation - Spend a few
deeper purpose. In response to external minutes scanning your body from head
pressures, you may retreat within, to toe, paying attention to any sensations
grappling with social ineptitude and or areas of tension. This helps bring
guarding yourself against potential hurt. awareness to your physical body and
grounds you in the present moment.
The ebb and flow of your moods
might lead to moments of demeaning • Engage Your Senses - Use your senses to
behavior, inadvertently affecting notice the sights, sounds, smells, tastes,
your relationships. Recognizing and and textures around you. (For example,
addressing these weaknesses with self- in nature, observe the colors of flowers,
awareness and resilience can pave the listen to leaves rustle, inhale the fresh air,
way for a more balanced and fulfilling run your fingers over the rough bark of a
journey. tree, etc.)
The Life Lessons • Stay Task-Oriented - Focus on one task
Every life path has an inward and at a time and give it your full attention,
outward lesson that runs simultaneously. immersing yourself fully in the activity
While both are important, remember without letting your mind wander to
everything begins within first. The other things.
inward lesson of Life Path Number 3 is
to stay present in the moment, while the • Acceptance and Non-Judgment -
outward lesson is learning the joy of self- Practice accepting things as they are
expression. without judgment or criticism. Cultivate
a sense of curiosity and openness to
Let’s Talk Practicality whatever arises, allowing yourself to
Staying Present in the Moment experience each moment fully.
Also known as mindfulness, the inward
lesson of staying in the NOW (please The Joy of Self-Expression
use all caps) is essential for maintaining The opportunity to master this outward
mental clarity and emotional well-being. lesson lies in being social and embracing
Here are some ways that can help: the lighter side of life, particularly
• Mindful Breathing - Focus on your through creative endeavors such as:
breath briefly throughout your day. Pay
attention to the sensation of inhaling and • Creative Journaling - Keep a journal
exhaling, allowing yourself to experience to express your thoughts, dreams, and
each breath as it happens fully. ideas freely. 7