Page 3 - July 2024
P. 3

From the


        Happy July, dear friends!                              as well as all her previous ones, offers a

                                                               wonderful opportunity to learn more
        I hope this message finds you enjoying                 about ourselves and those around us.
        the summer and making fun memories.

        I’m excited to share with you the                      Turning to the healing properties of
        contents of our latest edition of My                   herbs, Stephanie Westbrook uncovers the

        Indigo Sun.                                            beneficial qualities of cilantro. Notice the
                                                               cover image of a blooming cilantro plant
        In this July issue, we have three prominent  and try out a couple of recipes featuring

        astrologers exploring various aspects of               this herb in new ways.
        our connection to the cosmos. Jagdish

        Maheshri offers his astrological predictions,  We’ve done some research on the
        suggesting that the month might feel like              dangers of PFAS, or “forever chemicals,”
        a period of stagnation in terms of progress  frequently found in water. Learn more

        and material advancement. It’s a reminder              about how to minimize exposure, and
        that sometimes, the universe calls us to               don’t miss the link at the end of the

        pause and reflect.                                     article to check the water quality in your
                                                               zip code.
        Rebeca Eigen delves into the synchronistic

        model of astrology, illustrating how it helps  These articles and more await you in our
        us understand our unique connection to                 July edition. Whether you’re lounging by

        the cosmos. Kim McSherry’s piece on The                the beach or enjoying a quiet moment at
        Lunation Cycle & The Heroine’s Journey                 home, let My Indigo Sun accompany you
        examines the profound influence of the                 on your journey this summer!

        Moon on our lives.
                                                               Warmest wishes always,

        Our exploration of numerology this
        month features Brandi Lei’s insightful                 Katerina and MIS Team
        look at Life Path Number 6. This article,

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