Page 4 - April 2023
P. 4
Learning to Listen to
Your Body’s Wisdom
Have you ever had a gut feeling that a decision, try tuning in to your body.
something wasn’t right, but couldn’t quite Think about it - have you ever had a
put your finger on it? Perhaps you’ve had headache, and then realized it was because
a sense of certainty that defies logic and you hadn’t had enough water that day? Or
reason, leading you to make a decision felt super jittery and realized you’d had
that ended up being the right one. That’s too much coffee? Our bodies know what
your intuition talking - a powerful tool we need before our brains do!
that can help guide you through life’s
twists and turns. Intuition is a natural For example, let’s say you’re dating
and important function of the human someone new, and although everything
cognitive process. And let me tell you, it’s seems to be going well, there’s a nagging
a tool that we often overlook. feeling that something’s not quite right.
Instead of ignoring these feelings, listen
Intuition can help us navigate life’s to them! Your body might be sending
challenges and opportunities, but how can you signals, like a knot in your stomach
we cultivate and trust our inner guide? or a tightness in your chest. By paying
Well, one powerful way is by paying attention to these physical sensations,
attention to our bodies. Yup, you read you might realize that there are some
that right! Our bodies are like a secret warning signs in the relationship that
communication channel, constantly you’re subconsciously picking up on.
sending us signals about what we are Armed with this knowledge, you can
feeling or what we need. We receive these have an honest conversation with your
signals through physical sensations. partner and decide whether to continue
Our mind and body are in constant the relationship or move on.
communication with us — we just need to
learn how to interpret the messages, and Similarly, if you’re considering a big life
we can tap into our intuition. decision like a career change, your mind
may be consumed with thoughts of risks
Your body is like a secret agent, always and rewards. When you tune into your
trying to communicate with you in body, you notice that the idea of making
code. So, the next time you’re making the change fills you with excitement
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