Page 7 - January 2024
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strict ad herence to the scientific intelligence. Codes and programs do not
method can become a limitation or even write themselves absent a programmer,
a liability. Here’s why—nobody knows nor are they written absent a purpose
what occurred on the other side of the pointing toward an intelligent force
Big Bang. Using the scientific method behind the transmission of information.
from this side of creation to probe the Second, if the human mind is the receiver
mysteries of the other side as in wh o of this information, this establishes a
or what is transmitting the information relationship between the receiver and the
that formed us is futile. Well, not transmitter. Just as electronic signals can
completely, perhaps. be traced to their source, so should the
human mind under proper circumstances
Whatever lies at the bottom of the be able to trace back some connection to
information trail does leave footprints its transmitting source.
in our dimension and science can trace
those footprints to a certain degree This back-tracking experience is called
like having a partial map that shows 10 by several terms — higher consciousness,
miles of a 100-mile trail. Where physics the presence of God, enlightenment, the
and science end, however, metaphysics shamanic experience — the label doesn’t
and intuited wisdom begin. My study matter. It’s a contemplative reverse-
of ancient texts as well as my own engineering process of the mind. In
vivid personal experience has proved terms of communication terminology, it’s
to me that intuited information from about eliminating the background noise
experienced sages or other sources to achieve a clear channel connection.
is every bit as valid, if not more so,
than scientific probings limited by Peter Canova
materialistic parameters. The author of the 25 X
award-winning First Souls
Regardless, logic based on scientific Trilogy and has contributed
understanding can still support my to the popular Chicken
contentions. If science acknowledges Soup for the Soul series.
that information is the basis of the His latest publication, Quantum
created or apparent universe then a few Spirituality, received 4 titles in The
things must follow. Information means American Book Fest’s 2023 Best Book
instruction capable of organizing form, Awards.
which indicates intention, which indicates ( 7 7