Page 3 - May 2024
P. 3

From the


        Dear Friends,                                          This month, Kimberley McSherry takes us

                                                               through another significant astrological
        Welcome to May! Last month proved                      event in her piece, "The Saturn/Neptune
        to be quite a rollercoaster, just as our               Dance in Pisces." Prepare for a deep

        astrologer Jagdish Maheshri predicted.                 dive into the cosmic interplay and its

        Continuing with insights, Brendi Lei
        further explores numerology in her                     We're excited to introduce a new voice to
        ongoing series. This month, she guides us  our community, Sonal Patel, a practitioner

        through understanding Life Path Number  of Chinese Medicine. Her debut article,
        4, emphasizing "Embracing Flexibility and  "The Five Elements of Chinese Medicine,"

        Practicality in Your Journey."                         discusses how ancient practices can
                                                               inform and improve modern wellbeing by
        We also delve deeper with Rebeca Eigen,                aligning with nature’s intricate patterns.

        who challenges us to recognize and
        appreciate the opposites in our lives,                 Just before Mother’s Day, we conclude

        revealing their purpose for our benefit.               our series on women's health with Uma
        Her latest article, "Communication is                  Hingorani’s "Understanding Menopause
        Everything," offers a clearer lens to view             through Ayurveda." It’s a timely tribute to

        ourselves and others, beyond the rose-                 women’s health, offering valuable insights
        colored glasses.                                       into the wonders of feminine wellbeing.

        Peter Canova returns with the second                   We have all this and more in this month's
        part of "Reflections on the Hidden God,"               edition. We hope you enjoy reading it as

        proposing a captivating thought: we                    much as we enjoyed curating it.
        are characters so immersed in a virtual

        reality that we've forgotten we are the                Warmly,
        programmers. His insights continue to be
        profoundly enlightening.                               Katerina and MIS Team

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