Page 13 - August 2024
P. 13
of thinking, or how addicted we are to Aries for a while now, we have all been
“automatic mind”. Blessed are the flexible, engaged in an identity crisis of sorts
for they shall not break! for quite some time. Our definition of
Self has changed, and new aspects of
Obviously, it is not always possible to character have emerged. As we grow a
wait until Mercury goes direct to make greater awareness of who we are, previous
important decisions, and basically, live reflections and the vehicles we use to
our lives. In the event that you must act express ourselves must also change. We
on some new venture, it is important feel the need to create new life structures
that you pay very close attention to to support this new “version of Self” and
the details, read the fine print several the new creative visions emerging in
times, and ask other trusted people consciousness. In many ways, this is a
to validate your perceptions or think year of new beginnings, and the exciting
of variables you many have missed. desire to pursue new goals, create new life
Mercury retrograde periods are best used structures, and explore new means and
to explore the possibilities, and think vehicles for creative self-expression. To
things through carefully before action do this well, we must better understand
is taken. If we can remind ourselves our passions and those things which
to take nothing for granted, to assume excite and inspire us, and give our lives
nothing, to more consciously review meaning. Retrograde Mercury in Leo
information and our perceptions, to throughout the month of August invites
check and recheck for clarity of our us to explore our desire to “shine” in
communications, and to pay attention to the ways that matter most to us, and
details, Mercury retrograde periods can inspires us to construct the vehicles
leave us with greater clarity of mind and (life structures) through which we can
a more effective mental process, which create with abandon and unapologetic
will ultimately be a positive influence in confidence. The desire to creatively
all areas of our lives! express our unique gifts in the outer
world, and the need to heal or resolve the
The Mercury retrograde emphasis in blocks we have created toward that end,
the Fire signs this year suggests that the is intensified and should not be ignored.
areas in greatest need of REVIEW and In true Leo style, it’s time to think about
RE-EVALUATION involve issues of what makes life worth living, and then do
identity, creative self-expression, and the more of that!
importance of one’s worldview. With
transiting Chiron and the North Node in Kim McSherry 13 13