Page 20 - August 2024
P. 20
good friend he was. As soon as I changed Nor did we have to continue to condemn
my thoughts, none of what we were the other for what we said or did. It was
emailing to each other about mattered. resolved with no hard feelings.
What mattered was our friendship and
our love for each other. I experienced a We also acknowledged that we were two
“metanoia.” Metanoia in simple terms good friends who trusted each other
means a turnaround. We feel a change of enough to have a fight in the first place.
heart and consequently change our minds. We both said we appreciated that we
could be honest and work through our
Looking at life symbolically, Jung’s differences. The best friends in your life
concepts of shadow work and keeping will be like that. Sadly for both of us, our
a continuous relationship with the Self, friendship eventually ended because he
God within becomes a way of being in the decided he could tell me who I should
world. Healing and depotentiating (taking not date or have in my life. He meant
the escalating negativity out) of our well, but he was taking on a paternal role
relationship issues with others is the result with me that I didn’t welcome. Although
of dedicated and consistent shadow work. he was right and eventually that
We need their mirrors as it takes two to relationship did not become a romantic
do this work. Even more important is our partner; it did not end the way he
connection to the Divine, synonymous thought it would. I am still friends with
with the unconscious, where our the man I loved for 15 plus years and in
archetypal foundation resides. our long-term relationship, I learned to
be a man’s best friend which was very
Instead of sending him another email, valuable. I have many fond memories of
I picked up the phone and called. I the love I shared with both of these men.
said, “Jim, I am sorry if what I said was Jim and I parted ways because he could
hurtful to you in any way. I just want you not accept my decision to continue my
to know that I love you and value our relationship. Therefore, he left my life,
friendship and none of this matters to me but will always remain in my heart.
more than that,” and he said, “Rebeca, I
love you too.” Then we were able to listen Pay attention to the numinosity of
to each other, and he could understand synchronicities occurring in your own
I truly was ignorant about the stock life. Numinous is a term that came from
market and how it works. I too, could Rudolf Otto in his book, The Idea of the
now hear his grievances sympathetically Holy. Numen means light and nous means
and put myself in his shoes. As we a divine principle. The presence of a
communicated our love for each other, connection with the Divine will be felt in
neither of us needed to be right anymore. your whole body as goosebumps. One of