Page 7 - August 2024
P. 7
The Life Lessons Being Honest with Yourself
Every life path has an inward and outward Self-honesty is a crucial step toward
lesson that runs simultaneously. While personal growth and self-awareness.
both are important, remember that Here are some practical ways to
everything begins within first. Your inward achieve this:
lesson is to be honest with yourself, while
outwardly, you are learning to trust. • Self-reflect and use the time to think
about your actions, feelings, and
The Karmic Debt 16/7 thoughts. Journaling can be a helpful tool
Karmic debts are incurred because of for seeing patterns over time.
unfavorable behavior in former lives that
need to be repaid through learning and • Ask yourself hard questions like,
growth in this lifetime. The karmic debt “Why do I feel this way?” “What are my
16/7 stems from lifetimes where you have true motivations?” or “Am I avoiding
abused partnerships in some way, possibly something?” Be willing to dig deep to
from illicit love affairs. uncover your truth. For instance, you
could ask, “What is the root cause of
This humbling, karmic component of my fear of failure?” or “What am I truly
your journey is depicted as a cycle of seeking in this relationship?”
destruction and rebirth that can bring
sudden and life-changing events to any • Acknowledge your emotions using
area of your life, including personal and “I feel” statements and explore why
professional relationships, spirituality, you feel the way you do. Labeling
health, or finances. your feelings, noticing any physical
sensations, and imagining your
Practical Application emotions as tangible objects or colors
Mastering these contemplative lessons can help you observe them more
is found in solitude, rooted in integrity, objectively.
and through what comes to you rather
than what is sought after. Both involve a • Recognize and accept your
gradual and intentional process. imperfections and mistakes. 7