Page 18 - June 2022
P. 18


                    Astrological Insights for June 2022

        Overview                                               control issue. Another aspect of this
                                                               tragic event that clearly demonstrates

        In light of recent Uvalde elementary                   the working of retrograde Mercury
        school shooting in Texas that killed                   (miscommunication, misinformation,

        19 children and two teachers, it                       and delays) and the delayed response
        is important to note that due to                       of the law enforcement officers at the
        the energy of Capricorn Pluto,                         scene despite 911 calls from children

        Saturn’s entry in Aquarius starting                    inside the school and desperate pleas
        on April 28, the manifestations of                     from the frantic parents just outside

        these energies are clearly reflected                   the school witnessing the massacre as
        in the senseless killing of children,                  being unfolded. I wouldn’t be surprised
        and as a result, unsettling political                  if there’s more to come about this event

        climate in the USA with perpetually                    after Mercury gains its average speed
        reoccurring gun violence and gun                       on June 11.

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