Page 6 - February 2024
P. 6

heavenly beings contributing. But one of               the quantum field. Think of these as
        them sought to create his own composition  pockets or dimensions like blips or cul-

        and created discord instead, a breaking                de-sacs within the smooth infinity of the
        of the divine harmony that carried into                quantum field. Our material world would

        Middle Earth in the Lord of the Rings.                 be one of these dimensions.

        This is parallel to the Gnostic creation               What part do human beings play in

        story where one of the archetypal beings  this? You may remember in the Matrix
        broke the unity of the Source to create                movie where they depicted something

        on her own, ultimately leading to a fall               like the picture above, a flow of binary
        of spirit consciousness that led to the                algorithms that created the matrix the
        formation of the material dimension.                   characters perceived as reality. Well,

        Human beings are embodiments of                        remember, everything is a manifestation
        the fallen, low-frequency spiritual                    of One Consciousness. Conscious energy

        consciousness but still contain a                      in physical form is still consciousness
        connection with the Source.                            albeit very diluted. We are still relays in
                                                               that power grid system reduced to low-

        The Full Picture                                       level frequencies that produce the dense
        Now we can put the full picture of                     manifestations of gross materiality.

        science and spiritual wisdom together
        with all the pieces of the puzzle. The                 This means we participate in the creation
        Mind of the Source creates the quantum                 of reality at some level with varying

        field or matrix of creation within which               degrees of frequency. The human brain
        are algorithms of information encoded                  shown in the graphic above is the

        in virtual or actual sub-atomic particles.             receiver that arranges and decodes the
        This information exists in potential but               algorithms of the sub-atomic particles
        can materialize as local conditions in                 into the appearance of physical objects.

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