Page 5 - The First 60 Days Magazine
P. 5

Focus on a Member
                                                                                                         Sensory  S


                                                                Sensory Development

                                                                     During infancy a newborn’s sensory systems
                                                                     are developed, however they have poor
                                                                     ability to organize these sensations; therefore,

                                                                     the information has very little meaning to it.

                                                                     By experiencing sensations over and over
                                                                     again through relationships with caregivers
                                                                     and sensorimotor/exploratory play, infants
                                                                     and toddlers develop a secure attachment
                                                                     with caregivers and learn about object
                                                                     affordances and characteristics, gravity, and
                                                                     how to move their bodies through space.

                                                                     However, children will only move to explore
                                                                     and create reliable stored memories of the
                   About Taira                                       world around them, like file folders of

                                                                     information, IF they feel safe in a calm,

              Taira received her training at                         regulated arousal state, are provided the
              Huntington University where she was                    opportunities to engage and explore, and
              awarded a doctorate of occupational                    have the foundational postural skills to do so.
              therapy degree (OTD). She earned a
              bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State
              University majoring in psychology.

              Taira specializes in pediatrics with an
              interest in sensory processing disorder
              and child neurodevelopment. Her
              passion is helping parents understand
              their child's uniquely wired nervous
              system and to support children to
              reach their fullest potential.                   

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