Page 11 - June 2022
P. 11

If we can accept ourselves with all of                 how projection works can help us
        our faults and flaws, then we can accept               depotentiate issues we have with others

        others, and this is where doing shadow                 and become more honest with ourselves.
        work with our partners is not only                     This way of being in the world frees up a
        valuable, it is liberating.                            lot of energy for both of us when we are

                                                               each willing to do our part.
        I would not naively say you have to

        be around people you don’t like, or                    To be continued…
        that boundaries are not important to
        maintain in a healthy relationship. When               Rebeca Eigen

        you are married or you get really close to
        anyone, get ready to see their dark side

        as well as their light. It’s inevitable that
        the closer you get, the more you will see,
        and they will see you too! We are also

        going to hurt each other at some time or
        other because we all feel and experience

        situations differently. Understanding

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