Page 28 - June 2022
P. 28

Monthly Challenge

                                     Go and Sweat!

                         Health Benefits of Sweating

        As summer months are here, and                         2. Flushing out toxins

        temperatures are getting higher in many                When we sweat, our skin removes toxic
        regions of the Northern Hemisphere, we                 compounds from the body.

        find ourselves in “natural saunas” - dry               A 2012 study found that sweating plays
        or wet. Here, in Texas, we are mostly in               an important role in expelling heavy
        a humid heat, so our saunas are similar                metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and

        to Turkish hammams or Russian banyas;                  arsenic from the body.
        our readers from Arizona or New Mexico

        enjoy Finnish or Scandinavian style of                 3. Lowering the risk of kidney stones
        sauna.  Whatever our “sauna” type is, the              Sweating can be an effective way to sweat
        main benefit of it is to allow us to sweat.            out the salt and retain calcium in your

        Many associate sweating with being                     bones. This limits the accumulation
        smelly and sticky and apply negative                   of salt and calcium in the kidneys and

        connotation to it, but, in fact, there is an           urine, which is where the stones come
        array of health benefits in sweating.                  from. It is no coincidence people who
                                                               sweat tend to drink more water and

        Here are some reasons we should sweat: fluids, which is another prevention
                                                               method for kidney stones.

        1. Weight Loss
        When we are hot, our body is working                   4. Improves skin appearance
        hard to cool it down by producing sweat.  Sweat expels impurities in our skin. Those

        This sweat production is using energy                  often come from environment pollution,
        and burning calories, which boosts                     dirt, or makeup. No wonder after removing

        weight loss.                                           them by sweat first and clean-water-shower
                                                               after, our skin radiates and glows.

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