Page 4 - June 2022
P. 4

New Beginnings

                                 Projection? Who, me?

        “Projection? You project. I am objective.              we truly want to. Notice what drives you
        I observe.” That’s our ego talking to us               up a wall in others. What makes your

        or someone else. The actuality is our                  skin crawl? And then the opposite is also
        ego develops slowly in increments and                  true. What fascinates you?  What do you

        is often barricaded behind a belief that               get mesmerized by? Where do you lose
        it is the center of our psyche and that it             yourself by projecting a part of you out?
        always knows who we are and what our                   We don’t know where they end, and we

        motives are. Well, it most certainly does              begin unless we are willing to engage in
        not. The older you get the more you will               honest self-examination.

        know about your many selves, and when
        you look back you will realize there is a              Carl Jung said it like this, “How do you
        gradual movement towards becoming                      find a lion that has swallowed you?” It

        conscious of your whole self.                          takes an attitude of I want to know myself,
                                                               all of myself and love myself completely.

        People often ask me, “How do I start                   We cannot change or heal what we
        doing Shadow Work?” I tell them we                     don’t know or love. Whatever enters
        have to really accept that projection is               our lives for good or ill has meaning.

        real, that we all do it. One of the primary  Journaling our thoughts and experiences
        ways to begin to do inner work is to                   and reflecting on what happens in our

        accept this fact. Then and only then                   daily interactions is essential. We all
        can we acknowledge that we can bring                   project shadow parts of ourselves out
        unconscious contents to the surface if                 onto people, events, objects, groups, and

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