Page 4 - January 2023
P. 4

Medicine Wheel Garden

        Wisdom of Co-creation with Nature

                Magical space for strengthening and healing your body, mind, and
                                              spirit in your backyard.

        I love gardening. It’s a passion, a                    the four directions, north, east, south,
        meditation, a place that reconnects me                 west, plus the direction of center, or
        to the Earth over and over again. I find               “within”, marked off at the center of

        that as I enter the garden, I step into a              the circle. Stones are also designated
        magical world… out of reach of time.                   for Grandmother Moon, Grandfather

        My consciousness shifts as the garden                  Sun, Mother Earth, and Father Sky.
        itself starts speaking to me. Some of my               Depending upon how detailed, the
        most profound insights are realized while  Medicine Wheel may include stones

        gardening or wild-crafting.                            around its circumference, each one
                                                               representing a different quality.

        I have a Medicine Wheel Garden
        that is about 35 feet in diameter. It’s                The Medicine Wheel is a sacred space, a
        quite a lot of space that I haven’t quite              tool for spiritual growth. It’s a teaching

        filled yet. It’s a work in progress that I             tool and a healing vortex. Given their
        believe most gardeners can relate to.                  sacredness and connection to the

        “What’s a Medicine Wheel Garden?”,                     Creator, planting medicinal plants
        you ask? A Medicine Wheel Garden                       within this framework is a natural
        is a garden arranged within a circle                   interpretation of this space. Plants

        with, at a minimum, stones marking off                 can be arranged by their elemental
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