Page 10 - November 2024
P. 10
Contemplating Chaos
A Metaphysical and Scientific View on the Uncertain
Part I coming to believe this—but science is
limited to the materially observable. I
Chaos is a loaded word. Nuances always like to begin at the beginning
of difference in common usage, and look at the roots of any subject.
mathematics, religion, science, and The material world appeared from the
philosophy are inherent in the term. unobservable to the observable. This
This article will discuss the possible necessitates an examination beyond
origins of chaos and how it shapes our physics meaning metaphysical or
reality from both a metaphysical and spiritual. I believe consciousness is the
scientific viewpoint. root of our reality and chaos is an aspect
of that consciousness. The most advanced
DEFINITION concept of the creation, in my opinion, is
In common usage, chaos denotes found within the philosophical streams
random disorganization. Chaos theory of Neo-Platonism and a related ancient
has a somewhat different premise. Chaos wisdom tradition called Gnosticism. The
is the study of how the unpredictable Gnostic creation story is a virtual analog
arises from the predictable. Its to modern scientific theory.
unpredictable behavior derives from
great sensitivity to small changes in its Gnosticism was a marriage between
initially predictable conditions. Great Eastern and Western traditions—
differences in outcome result from slight Hellenistic philosophy, Hermeticism,
differences in initial conditions so the and Jewish mysticism with ancient
future becomes a blur. This means the Eastern traditions such as Hinduism and
future cannot be foretold with accuracy Zoroastrianism. Baptized in the powerful
in chaotic systems. Chaos is not exactly intellectual waters of Alexandria, Egypt,
random. It does overlap with order—up Gnosticism predated Christianity but
to a certain point. became the mystical branch of the early
Christian Church. Though eradicated as
INTRODUCTION heresy by the more dogmatic orthodox
We are the product of other dimensions branch of Christianity, Gnosticism
of existence—many scientists are exerted tremendous effects on the