Page 18 - August 2023
P. 18
Tapestry of Symbols in Dreams
Dreams have long fascinated and associations and individual experiences.
perplexed human beings. As we close There are three main categories:
our eyes and surrender to the realm of conventional symbols, accidental
sleep, we enter a vast and mysterious symbols, and universal symbols.
landscape where our subconscious
mind takes over and symbolism Conventional Symbols: Conventional
prevails. Dreams often communicate symbols in dreams are those that have
profound messages through symbols, acquired a collective meaning through
allowing us to delve into our deepest learned association. They are the
desires, fears, and emotions, offering everyday symbols we use, where the
guidance and insights to the dreamer’s symbol itself does not bear an inherent
journey towards personal growth and connection to its meaning. For instance,
improvement. Here we will explore the the word “dog” or the sound we make
significance of symbolism in dreams when saying it does not inherently
and the insights they can provide into resemble the four-legged creature.
our innermost selves. Instead, it is the learned association
between the word and the concept
While symbols in dreams have that elicits the mental image of a dog.
remained relatively unchanged Conventional symbols rely on shared
over time, their interpretations are understanding within a cultural or
influenced by a combination of learned linguistic context.