Page 2 - Module Narrative Text
P. 2


                              My praise and gratitude go to Ida Sang Hyang
                         Widhi Wasa because, with his grace, I was able to

                         finish  writing  the  Module  on  Narrative  Text  as
                         teaching material for students, especially in class

                              I thank Mr. Alexander Hamonangan Simamora,

                         S.E.,  M.Pd.  as  a  lecturer  of  the  "Pengembangan

                         Bahan  Ajar"  course,  who  has  allowed  and
                         supported me during the completion of this work.

                               In  this  digital  era,  besides  having  a  positive
                         impact,  it  also  leaves  a  negative  impact  on

                         school-age  children.  They  spend  a  lot  of  time

                         accessing  social  media,  so  they  forget  that  they
                         are actually increasing their knowledge.

                             With this Module, it is hoped that children will

                         be       interested           in     reading          more         textbooks,

                         especially about Fairy Tale.

                                                                        Tabanan, 19 Desember 2022

                                                                            Ni Putu Riska Mahanjani

                          JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL / VII                                                               I
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