Page 75 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 75


                                In the furnace of the soul, a tempest's roar,
                                 A symphony of anger, a turbulent uproar.
                                     Rivers of fury, a relentless cascade,
                                  In the caverns of rage, emotions parade.

                                Thunderous echoes in the chambers deep,
                                  A storm of emotions, a relentless sweep.
                                  Lightning tongues of resentment ignite,
                                   In the tempest of rage, shadows alight.

                               The heart, once tranquil, now a blazing pyre,

                                    Fuelled by indignation, a fervent fire.
                                     A volatile dance, emotions engage,
                                  In the swirling vortex of unbridled rage.

                                  Like a hurricane's eye, a deceptive calm,
                                   Yet beneath the surface, a fiery qualm.
                                 Waves of frustration, an emotional stage,
                                   In the theatre of wrath, emotions wage.

                                                                                    Velavan V
                                                                              Mechanical Engineering

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