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But it doesn’t hurt to discuss it Going hand in hand with films is
once again since the epidemic of also social media. Since almost
problematic portrayal hasn’t everyone has access to social
really died down yet. media, we have only seen the
rapid spread of videos that
negatively impact one’s
perception of love.
It is no secret that several movies
normalize stalking and
gaslighting as a way to approach a
woman you love. Along with it are
several tropes and dialogues
which try to establish that a Now, youth are easily influenced
woman dressed a certain way by their favourite film stars and
must be morally corrupt. Or take influencers and hence it is
the example of films preaching imperative that they take
how fair skin colour equals responsibility to not spread the
beauty. All these create an wrong message. It is often seen
impression in young minds that that when people call out film
all this is normal. On one hand, actors or influencers for
while we have problematic regressive dialogues or scenes,
portrayals of women, the hydra of they are often shut down by fan
misogyny in films raises its ugly armies who -ironically- call the
head in the form of toxic people regressive. Granted,
masculinity, the term that is on people have slowly taken notice
everyone’s lips now. Often, we of regressive ideologies and have
see on screen a skewed started calling out the creative
presentation of what it means to minds behind the film, but the
be a man. From confusing proportion of people who do that
dominance as a sign of healthy is small compared to those who
masculinity to violence being the just eat up whatever they see on
apt solution, films never fail to the screen. It has been a long time
present a dangerous version of since we saw an Atticus Finch on
masculinity. screen.