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P. 42

"Just  two  more  days.  Oh  god!  If  I          "Should  I  talk  to  her?  Should  I
            don't do something, I won't be able               approach  her?  What  if  she  thinks
            to see her for the next two months.               that I am a weirdo? What will I do?"
            But then, this is how I feel. I don't
            even      know       whether        she     is    As  these  thoughts  were  running
            interested  in  me.  What  should  I              into  his  head,  the  TTE  came.  For
            do? I just want to talk to her.                   the  first  time  since  he  started
            Just once!"                                       travelling  in  this  train.  He  was
                                                              asking for everybody's tickets. The

            That  day,  he  again  took  the  train           boy  put  his  hands  in  his  pocket  to
            which  came  twenty  minutes  later.              take out his ticket.
            He waited until she got on.
                                                              "Ah!  That's  weird.  I  thought  I  put
            "Should  I  talk  to  her?  Should  I             the ticket here."
            approach  her?  What  if  she  thinks
            that I am a weirdo? What will I do?"              Unable to find his ticket he started
                                                              searching all his pockets. The TTE
            As  these  thoughts  were  running                came to him.
            into  his  head,  the  TTE  came.  For
            the  first  time  since  he  started              "May I see your ticket please?"
            travelling  in  this  train.  He  was
            asking for everybody's tickets. The               The  boy  panicked.  He  was  sure  he
            boy put his hands in his pocket to                purchased  his  ticket.  Because  he
            take out his ticket.                              does  that  everyday.  Then,  why
                                                              doesn't he have it today.
            The  college  announced  that  their
            summer  vacations  would  start                   " ticket-"

            from 20th May.
                                                              "It's below your shoes."
            "Just  two  more  days.  Oh  god!  If  I
            don't do something, I won't be able               The  boy  looked  in  the  direction  of
            to see her for the next two months.               the voice. It was that girl. She was
            But then, this is how I feel. I don't             talking to him. His happiness knew
            even      know       whether        she     is    no bounds.
            interested  in  me.  What  should  I
            do?  I  just  want  to  talk  to  her.  Just      "Umm...."
                                                              "Your ticket", the girl said pointing
            That  day,  he  again  took  the  train           in the direction below.
            which  came  twenty  minutes  later.
            He waited until she got on.                       "Oh yes! Thank you."

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