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The use of practical effects adds a The Trinity Test, which marks the
layer of realism and immerses us crescendo of this film, is crafted to
in the world, inducing a sense of perfection. The use of silence is
awe and excitement. The fact that absolutely incredible, as the
the crew experimented with hearts beat in unison in every
actual science to get the visuals of theatre, when the bomb exploded.
the quantum world is incredible It almost felt like a dooming
and awesome. presence in itself. The silence and
the sound effects really immerse
The structure of this film amazes us, breaking the wall between.
one with its unconventional Each moment is placed perfectly
nature. The genre changes as the in place by precise editing. Every
film paces through time. What aspect of this craft,
begins as a biopic drama morphs cinematography, production
into a thriller, racing against the design, visual effects, and sound
Nazis, and finally into a design brought this world to life
courtroom drama. This could be a and brought us into it.
recipe for disaster, but here it
works like a charm, as it captures
the arc of our protagonist. It takes
ample time to make us invest in
the character and breaks him
down. This film dissects his
personality and presents him to
us, asking us to put the pieces
together and perceive it.
The characters feel real and alive
as the talented cast breathes life
into them. Cillian Murphy, a long-
time collaborator with Nolan, gets
the lead role this time, and he has
transformed himself into
Oppenheimer. So did Robert
Downey Jr., Matt Damon, Emily
Blunt, and the rest of the star-
studded cast. The collective vision
was clearly evident as everyone
contributed to this with an
admiration for the craft.