Page 15 - Expressions '24 - Digital Release
P. 15

Who timed it for you?

             You  can  start  very  late  and  still
                                                               you  are  the  best),  you  will  find
             reach  there.  Life  isn't  a  race
                                                               yourself  questioning  self-worth.
             where  winning  matters.  It  is  a
                                                               Stop     seeking      validation       from
             race  not  based  on  who  comes
                                                               others. Try from within.
             first,  but  based  on  whether  you
                                                               A    person       can     be     naturally
             complete  the  track  or  not.  It's
                                                               talented, gifted with the ability to
             about  not  quitting  halfway.  Even
                                                               master  something,  but  if  that
             if  you  finish  last,  it's  about
                                                               person doesn't practice, exercise,
             finishing  it.  Anyone  who  reaches
                                                               revise,  and  update  themselves,
             there,  no  matter  how  slow  they
                                                               they will watch themselves failing
             are,  is  a  winner.  You  might  feel
                                                               and  even  worse,  they  will  not
             like  you've  wasted  your  life  away
                                                               realize or understand why.
             and you can't try now. But, it does
                                                               But despite all these, life does not
             not work that way. Until you exist,
                                                               really  care  about  your  conquests.
             you  still  have  time  to  go  for  it.  If
                                                               Man      constructed         the     hustle
             someone  can  do  it  before  you,  it
                                                               culture,  the  necessity  to  prove
             only  means  they  had  better
                                                               himself  better  than  others,  for
             leverage.  It  does  not  mean  you
                                                               various  reasons,  for  sport,  for
             lack  quality  or  skill.  If  those  you
                                                               dominance,        territory      marking,
             compare  yourself  with  are  not
                                                               etcetera.  All  that  matters  is
             privileged,  it  only  means  they,
                                                               whether  you  exist  or  not.  That's
             who gained the spotlight already,
                                                               the  most  life  seeks  from  you.
             have  started  their  work  earlier
                                                               Existence.       Everything       else     is
             than      you.       Therefore,        stop
                                                               manmade. Choose what battle you
             comparing.              Your            only
                                                               wish  to  fight  and  think  who
             competition  is  yourself  in  this
                                                               bestows that upon you. Was it you
             race. Your sole aim in this track is
                                                               or society? Who timed it for you?
             to  best  the  previous  version  or
                                                               Who  gave  you  the  ultimatums?
             record of yours.
                                                               Who  limited  the  choices  for  you?
             Most  people  only  try  to  best
                                                               Was it you or someone else?
             others  for  this  validation.  When
             we best ourselves, we are our only
             witness; but when we best others,

             more than one person knows that.
             Therefore,            stop         seeking
             validation  because  if  you  do  not
             get  it  (and  there  are  many  socio-
             political factors for that, even if
                                                                                Arunesh Babu N
                                                                               Research Scholar

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