Page 40 - Expressions '24 - Digital Release
P. 40
Writer’s block
Oftentimes you can see me bunch of grumpy people, like
staring at a blank page, my pen yellow in the midst of black and
uncapped and full of ink, yet my white.
brain empty trying to think. It is
in these times I wonder if Sometimes, it is not easy to notice
Shakespeare was right. “All the these subtle stories in the chaos
world’s a stage and all the men of the world. Those, like
and women merely players”? How unexpected pretty accidents
is it even possible for someone to where a stranger turns into your
write a script with the entire safe space, or a puppy that runs
population of the world as the to you and huddles at your feet
crew, in a world that rotates and looking like a lost piece of the
never stops for a moment? night.
After looking at all of these, I took
The funny thing is that there is no my chance and loaded them all in
one story and every story has my bag, smiling to myself
multiple versions, the crew knowing that I’d have stories to
repeats but their roles differ, the tell for centuries. Yet, I have a
hero of one story is a villain in the paper whiter than the moon
other. And here I am struggling to sitting in front of me, waiting to
make words meet the worlds of be written on. Maybe the writer
my head that I built. had put a lock on the words after
he wrote them? Wondering if the
After viewing Shakespeare Greeks were right about
through my glasses of indignance creativity being a gift, I close my
and contempt, I decided to set out pen and keep the paper aside.
to find my words in this writer’s Maybe it is called “writer’s block”
play, probably steal a part of his for a reason.
script and call it mine. And it
wasn’t too hard. This careless
writer’s plots were scattered
around me, like poems waiting to
be handed out to me. I found a
poem in my friend’s eyes after a
long tiring day when she was
trying to comfort me, despite
being tired herself. I found Srinethe Ra
another one, in a complete 2020-24
stranger, vibing to the songs
played in a crowded bus on a busy
Monday morning, amidst a