Page 8 - March 2019 IWMA News Interactive
P. 8

Trudy Dagere Shares Passion With Son
 We often write stories about how fathers and uncles inspire the younger generation to get into racing, but this time it was mom, Trudy Dagere.
Trudy is from Kamloops, BC, Canada and grew up on a cattle farm that her family still owns just outside of town. When she graduated from high school, she moved to Abbotsford to at- tend UCFV and then moved to Montre- al to get her degree in Fashion Design.
Fast forward a few years and she moved back to the lower mainland, got married and had Parie, her amazing son. She wanted a change in her career so she got her real estate license and moved back to Kamloops with her son.
“That is when my motorcycle addiction rubbed off on him. I bought Parie his first 70cc dirtbike at age 6 and he was hooked. At that point he was big enough to ride on the back of my sport- bike and would always ask how fast we were going and would say go faster.... lol.” she shared.
As a kid, Trudy played with dolls and cars. She has an older brother, so they would play with cars, trucks, and tractors for hours growing up.
Trudy has a few favorite shows but admits she likes all the Housewives tv series and shows like Gold Rush, and Greys Anatomy. Her favorite hol- iday is Easter because it is the start of the warmer weather and she loves Eas-
ter dinner with the family on the farm.
Something most people don’t know about Trudy is that she doesn’t enjoy reading, but wants to write a book.
She is currently a real estate agent and her co-workers/team are al- ways there to help her with her clients when she is away at the races. “They are the best.” she said. “I love my current career and I am always taking courses to keep up to date, learning as much as I can.”
For fun she rides her sportbike with a group of riders or she goes for a drive in her Slingshot. If someone played her in a movie, she said it would have to be Charlize Theron. “I think she has a good balance of nice and kick ass.” she told us. Her favorite motocross racer is Travis Pastrana....his dedication even after a million injuries is inspiring.
Trudy’s brother raced mo- tocross as a teen- ager so she went along to the rac- es and watched. They had match- ing YZ50’s at age 5 but her brother went on to race and Trudy got into show-jump- ing horses. It wasn’t until 2006 she finally decid- ed she needed her bike license and
bought her first sportbike. From there on there was no turning back, and she has passed on that love to her son. That passion has resulted in some great qual- ity time together. She has now turned into his “Momager” and loves every minute of it.
They travel all over BC racing the Future West Series of Motocross and Arenacross. She has had to learn to be his pitcrew, help pack the starting gate, and set the holeshot device for
the starts along with anything else that needs to be done.
At age 14, her son stepped up to ridinga250andjustsignedariderscon- tract with Outlaw Motorsports for 2019 to be on their race team. She is definitely one proud mama!
Parie does a lot of the mainte- nance on his bike along with Trudy’s dad and brother, who are very big role mod- els in Parie’s life. All the “big stuff” gets done by the amazing staff at Outlaw Motorsports and the suspension work is done by GP MOTO.
Parie has a 2019 Yamaha YZ250F and Trudy has a 2007 GSXR600 and a 2015 Polaris Slingshot.
Trudy had a wreck a few years back on a small group ride close to Salm- on Arm. It was on a country back road
 that she didn’t know and at the apex of the blind corner the paved road turned into a gravel road. She did a superman and low sided dragging her knee. “I had all gear on except for jeans that ripped open at the knee and definitely wasn’t pretty. I wear all the gear, all the time now!” she said.
At the motocross tracks there are other women that race and some also pit crew. Trudy is friends with everyone she meets, and ignores any drama!

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