Page 13 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 13
Part of the “EM Freeport”?
The East Midlands LEP (D2N2) has just made it’s bid for freeport status (5 February).
A possible 60,000 new jobs are predicted across the ”three counties” if it is approved.
The plan is that it would have unrivalled rail connectivity to UK ports and would leverage innovation, alternative energy sources and green technologies.
At the heart of the bid is the opportunity to accelerate the region’s commitment to decarbonisation and boost the area’s status as a leading innovation hub for green energy, supporting SMEs and large regional employers including Rolls-Royce, Toyota and Bombardier.
The East Midlands freeport bid is the result of a collaboration by private sector businesses, local authorities, universities, business groups, local MPs and the proposed Midlands Engine Development Corporation.
Benefits of a freeport...
• Tax efficient structure to attract domestic and international investment
• 10 new freeports planned in the UK to create jobs and catalyse regeneration
• Streamlined planning processes
• Simplified customs procedures and duty suspensions on goods