Page 16 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 16
Making the case
• The approach must be founded on solid collaboration with local
stakeholders. If the re-imagining of adjacent settlements is to be achieved then local politicians, authorities and community leaders will need to be involved, but will also need to play their part in working alongside the Hopwell team in lockstep to plan the settlement holistically.
• As a statement of intent, Hopwell must reach beyond mere compliance, and set the standard for future policy-making – but delivered in a way that is demonstrably achievable (and viable!).
• The case presented will step beyond the simplistic “need for housing”. Hopwell will be planned as a place, with a clear reason to exist, and a comprehensive series of elements that will create a recognisable destination on someone’s journey.
• A “better than compliant”, “zero-to-positive impact” place, underpinned with real world examples that prove deliverability, will be compelling. This will leverage the Green Belt review and the allocation of the site.