Page 20 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 20

   Stanton Ironworks site
Local Plan challenges
Competing sites
Hopwell will most likely be competing with the former industrial sites in the area – such as at the former Stanton Ironworks, which was included in the DIF study we did for the HS2 related development zones.
These sites were shown to be unviable – but they are “brownfield” sites, whereas the Hopwell site is greenfield. And Stanton has just been acquired by a new promoter.
We think there is a longer term narrative about Hopwell being the catalyst for uplifting land values in the area – by “rescuing” Ockbrook and Borrowash in sustainability terms. This could enhance viability of local brownfield sites in a Local plan context. While there is nothing inherently wrong with the existing settlements, they are low down the priority list for sustainability initiatives.
We want to use Hopwell as a catalyst for new communities at the M1 / A52 / HS2 confluence – the “places first” agenda applied to existing as well as new settlements.
Nottingham-Derby Green Belt
We will have to tackle the brownfield vs greenfield sites issue in the Local Plan. The LP process is the ONLY game in town to get Green belt reviewed – so is critical to Hopwell.
It has to be addressed head on if any development at Hopwell is to come forward, and will define the planning strategy for the site.
We think that the plans around HS2, and development associated with it, opens the door to significant Green Belt review around here. The M1 / A52 interchange, and provision of a BEV super-charger hub may be key here – a facility close to this strategic junction can’t go anywhere but in the Green Belt. Is it enough to make a “very special circumstance”? We will need to develop the evidence to show that it is!

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