Page 19 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 19
The team we have in mind for Hopwell includes senior personnel who devised and delivered the planning consent for the very first “parameter plan” based major application in the UK. They have a thorough understanding of the need for certainty of cost with continuous development and clear routes to mitigation.
Long-term projects benefit by having flexible consents, that allow mitigation to be tailored to prevailing circumstances, but with a capped financial exposure. This is an efficient, responsible and ultimately sustainable use of resources.
The trick is to produce a mechanism that provides confidence to the authority and certainty to the developer.
There is not a “one-size fits all” approach that can be applied – the strategy around flexible consenting needs to reflect the particular scheme, the impacts it has and the aspirations of both the developer and the local authority.
Erewash District Council
Current Development Plan
Core Strategy adopted 2014 Housing target – 393 dpa (based on Standard method)
Emerging Policy
Local Plan review underway:
LDS not up to date but, making allowance for realistic timescales based on other Plans suggests:
• Reg. 19 consultation - Q2/3 2021
• Reg. 22 submission – Q1/2 2022
• Reg. 24 examination – Q4 2022/Q1 2023
Site specifics
Reg. 18 Growth Options consultation (2020) appears to discount the broadly the northern half of the Hopwell site for c.3-3.5K homes.
Further detail set out in the 2019 technical assessment.
Five year housing land supply
3.43 years (2019-24)
Housing Delivery Test results
69% - so triggers requirement for 20% buffer and presumption in favour of sustainable development