Page 25 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 25
The Local Plan in Erewash dates from 2014, and is at the initial stages of review. The current plan identifies a need for 393 homes per annum to be delivered, but the Council only has a 31⁄2 year housing supply, so it is vulnerable to challenge. Recent delivery has also been lower than expected too, with the presumption in favour of sustainable development applying.
Our strategy
But this doesn’t provide the basis for a speculative application.
The Green belt status, and scale of development, mean that this would be unlikely to be successful.
The right strategy is to engage with the Local Plan process with an evidence base that demonstrates “better than compliance” deliverability. This should be done with an indicative masterplan bolstered by strong “Reason to Exist” arguments.
The contribution to housing need in Erewash and the wider HMA to the west of Nottingham – but would not be led by it.
In order to do this, we would suggest the following workstreams: