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P. 20
AI will Become
Most Artificial Intelligence Bots Are
Smarter than
Have you ever wondered why most
AI can learn
artificial intelligence bots are coming
anything quickly,
handy in female-like voices? The reason
meaning its
is pretty stereoscopic to hear, that’s
intelligence is
because tech companies and robotic
increasing. In
scientists believe that most females and
2013, AI had the
male customers are more likely to hear
same intelligence
the response of their favourite AI bot in
as a 4 year old. By
smooth lady voices not in any harsh
2029, AI will have
hoarse voice. Example: Google Assistant
the same
and Alexa
intelligence level
as adult humans.
AI Recognizes
These are some
Emotions facts that I know
A robot built in the do you know
late 1990s called some?
Kismet can
recognize emotions AI can write
through human A robot wrote
body language and an article on an
voice tone. earthquake in
California on
the Los Angeles
Times website,
gathering data
from a