Page 5 - Laporan Kegiatan
P. 5


                                  “A good golfer has the determination

                                  to win and the patience to wait for

                                  the breaks.”

              Perlombaan  :                                       Keterampilan  :

              1. BEST NETT OVERALL (BNO)                          1. NEAREST TO THE PIN

              2. BEST GROSS OVERALL (BGO)
                                                                  2. NEAREST TO THE CENTRE LINE
              3. BEST NETT FLIGHT

                  - FLIGHT A 1, 2, 3                              3. LONGEST DRIVE

                  - FLIGHT B 1, 2, 3                              4. HOLE IN ONE

                  - FLIGHT C 1, 2, 3
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10