Page 4 - RoadCem Working Platforms for Piling Case Studies
P. 4

An excellent example of a RoadCem piling mat,
       constructed entirely from the silty alluvium site soils.
       1381 x 8m driven concrete piles were required for

       Severn Trent Clay Mills site.

                                                                             As can be seen the UCS of the tested samples were within
                                                                             the target 3-7 MPa range showing that the required strength
                                                                             had been achieved easily within 3 days.

                                                                             At fourteen days it it shown that the UCS will be be in the
                                                                             range of 5 MPa and the Elastic Modulus in the region of
                                                                             5500 MPa proving that the maximum strain would not be
                                                                             exceeded, even if the platform depth was reduced to only
                                                                             250 mm.

                                                                             This achieved a reduction of 400 mm compared to the
                                                                             original design based on BRE, which was 650 mm of
                                                                             unbound granular stone.

                                                                             This provided the following benefits to the client:

                                                                               ● Saving of £70,000 just for the mat installation
                                                                               ● Three weeks in mat construction time
                                                                               ● Two weeks of piling schedule, due to easy setup and
                                                                               ● 2,000 lorry movements
                                                                               ● After the piling was easily completed, the mat was
                                                                                 found to crack free and intact with little or no breakout
                                                                                 around the piles. This allowed the piled structure to be
                                                                                 used as the blinding base for the follow on concrete slab.
                                                                                 Saving a further four weeks works and additional costs.
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