Page 6 - Real Estate_Capabilities (US) Book
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Real Estate Market Clout

           Commercial Lines

                                                                                                       June 2021

          Options and expertise
          which enables us to work directly with many leading insurance carriers to provide you with a
          range of coverage options and solutions for your business. These valuable relationships, both
          cross-border and locally, allow us to negotiate the best combination of price and value on your

          We know your business
          o HUB brokers over $1.5 billion of commercial insurance premium

          o We serve over 41,000 real estate customers
          o We manage over 93,300 insurance policies
          o We represent over 200 insurers who write business in this industry

         Client Count                                                     Premium by Segment

               10,600 Mixed Use Real Estate                                $52M $18M     $2M
               13,400 Residential                                    $106M

               13,300 Commercial
                1,300 Subdividers and Developers
                1,900 General Real Estate

                  440 Real Estate Investment Trusts
                   80 Real Estate Services


                                                        *These numbers are a snapshot representation only and subject to change                                                         Real Estate Insurance Solutions  6
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