Page 4 - Specialty Practices_October 2021 Newsletter
P. 4
Extra, Extra, Read all About it!
“Doug, I'm sorry, but I don't think Red Carpet VIP
you're cut out for being a doctor.” Bob Jellen, one of our Entertainment
Specialty Experts attended the
Eight states have active patient compensation. World Premiere of “No Time To Die”
These funds, which are sometimes referred to as at Prince Albert Hall in London.
excess coverage or excess liability funds, pay for Production Insurance for the action-
medical malpractice judgments or settlements that packed film was provided by Bob
exceed a statutorily established amount. and his team of Entertainment
Watch as Dan Nash explains this in the video below. Insurance Professionals at HUB. Bob
You can find the referenced document here. was accompanied by his wife,
To expand the video, click the arrows
On the Road Again
As we navigate through the ‘new normal,’ you may start to travel more. We teamed up
with Risk Services to put together this highly sensitive, extremely informational
video. Ok, so we had fun too. All jokes aside, travel safe, travel smart.
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