Page 12 - The Final Words
P. 12

When he got to the train station, he sat on the bench and thought about where he could
go. He didn’t have that much cash on him and he was hungry. The only thing he brought with
him to eat was some chocolate chip cookies. He opened his duffle bag and took them out and
ate all five of them. That would hold him over for a while. He wished he had brought something
to drink. His mouth was dry from the cookies. He spotted a water fountain. On the walk over,
he noticed a map on the wall. After his drink he’d look at it and choose a place to go.

         After several minutes, he decided on Miami, Florida. It was warm and a hot spot. He
figured it would be easy to find a job and far enough away. He bought his one-way ticket and
waited for the train to arrive. He sat on the bench and thought about his mother. He would
miss her big blue eyes and bright smile. She took care of him and he failed her. But he could
make it up to her by living a good life and that’s what he intended to do. He leaned back on the
bench and closed his eyes. He began to feel sweaty and his heart pounded. He had trouble
breathing and gasped for air.

         “Someone, help! This boy is sick!” A woman yelled and came to Stephen’s aide.

         “I’m a doctor. Just try and take slow breaths,” she said and held his hand.

         The room began to spin, and Stephen couldn’t breathe. The last thing he saw before he
died was the doctor’s blue eyes.

         Stephen’s death was a mystery. A young healthy boy dying of a heart attack didn’t make
sense, but that’s what the doctor concluded, and the autopsy proved it.

         The police officer who left Stephen alone, eventually went back to the apartment to find
him missing. He never expected he’d get a call and find him dead at the train station. He didn’t
understand how a healthy mother and son could die of heart attacks. He came to his own
conclusion that grief killed Stephen.

         With no family to speak of, Jerry and his parents arranged for Denise and Stephen’s
funeral arrangements. The only people who came were the staff from the hospital and of
course, Jerry, his parents and a few other friends. It had been a sad service, but mother and son
were buried next to each other. After their funeral, life went on.

         A few days after Stephen burned the typewriter, an inebriated man heard a strange
sound coming from the dumpster. He peered in to find the typewriter intact clicking away.
Startled, he left and decided to stop drinking.

         The curse continued.
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